Memorial Day is a chance for all of us to pause and give thanks to all the service men and women who have given all for the freedoms we enjoy in our country. A lot of us have a family member or friend who has dedicated their life to serving in some form of military service. They believed in our country enough to want to help protect the rights and freedoms of its citizens. The origination of Memorial Day began as Decoration Day after the American Civil War when an organization of Union … [Read More...]

Outdoor Landscape Needing a Boost
How many times do you look outside at your living spaces and think, "I just need a little pop of color, but what?" Are you tired of wishing for a little "makeover" to get you excited about your … [Read More...]

New Year New Hope
Hope helps us to continue moving forward in difficult situations. Whether it is hope to get out of debt, to land a new job, to lose weight or to begin living again after losing a loved one, we cherish … [Read More...]

Tips and Tricks for that New Christmas Puppy
Here are some great puppy training tips for that new puppy you got for Christmas. They bring a bundle of energy and being prepared to keep them entertained is essential. Chew toys, balls and bungee … [Read More...]
Pet Health

How To Have A Good Smelling Dog
While dog breath is the number one odor complaint, smells emanate from pets' skin and fur just as … [Read More...]

Worms in Dogs – Three Questions to Ask
Your dog appears to have worms! Yikes! Question #1: What type of worms are they? You may not … [Read More...]
Lawn & Garden

The Whitehall Flying Witch Garden Weathervane Can Decorate Your Outdoor Space
Whimsical and fun – the Whitehall Flying Witch Garden Weathervane can transform an outdoor space … [Read More...]

How to Create the Perfect Butterfly Garden
We’re going to look at the basics of creating a garden that is perfect for butterflies. You need to … [Read More...]